Tuesday 17 February 2009

Tuesday 17th lesson

In your production groups, you have three tasks to complete.

1. Blog your 4 advert ideas making sure to include as much detail as possible, it would be really good to insert YouTube clips that your advert ideas are based on. Make sure you individually label your blog contributions.

2. Individually blog your 5 advert analysis that we started but couldn't finish last week; remembering to upload the YouTube advert alongside your analysis. This can be finished as homework ready for next week.

3. Pick, in consultation with me, your final two adverts ideas that you want to make and as a group blog the following information.

Name of product
Target audience
Concept (i.e. what classic film/genre are you referencing?)
Human resources
Technical resources

Once these three tasks have been completed, we can move on to learning how to use the DV cameras, tripods and edit suite.

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