Wednesday 25 February 2009

Holiday homework

Make sure over the two week break that you are all up to date with both your individual and group work production paperwork. A reminder that you need to blog your 5 advert analysis from your individually chosen adverts. You also need to make sue that you have completed the group work below. Good luck and see you soon!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Tuesday 17th lesson

In your production groups, you have three tasks to complete.

1. Blog your 4 advert ideas making sure to include as much detail as possible, it would be really good to insert YouTube clips that your advert ideas are based on. Make sure you individually label your blog contributions.

2. Individually blog your 5 advert analysis that we started but couldn't finish last week; remembering to upload the YouTube advert alongside your analysis. This can be finished as homework ready for next week.

3. Pick, in consultation with me, your final two adverts ideas that you want to make and as a group blog the following information.

Name of product
Target audience
Concept (i.e. what classic film/genre are you referencing?)
Human resources
Technical resources

Once these three tasks have been completed, we can move on to learning how to use the DV cameras, tripods and edit suite.

Monday 16 February 2009

Assessment Criteria

On completion of this unit you should:-

1. Understand pre-production, production and post-production techniques
2. Be able to contribute to each stage of the creation of a finished video project
3. Be able to review own video production work

In your groups, you need to work incredibly hard throughout these three stages of production. This is your first video project, you need bags of enthusiasm and lots of hard work to achieve a good grade. Below is the assessment criteria for unit 4: Video Production.

P1: identify and undertake pre-production, production and post-production techniques
M1: demonstrate competence in pre-production, production and post-production techniques
D1: Demonstrate a high-level of ability in pre-production, production and post production

P2: Contribute to each stage of the creation of a finished video product
M2: Make positive contributions to technical and aesthetic aspects of a finished video product
D2: Make significant contributions to technical and aesthetic aspects of a finished video product

P3: Describe own video production work
M3: Discuss own video production work
D3: Explain own video production work using correct technical language

Classic Advert Brief - Unit 4

This unit introduces you to the techniques and technology of video-based production work. You will develop an understanding of the three stages of video production: pre-production, production and post production. Working as part of a team you will approach the practical work in a professional manor. This unit provides a valuable introduction to the skills required when working in a small video production company.

The Coca-Cola Company is planning to launch a new soft drink called ‘Classic’ for 2009 and is funding the marketing campaign for the product. ‘Classic’ is a drink that will be marketed to a British youth market. In groups you are being asked by this client to create two television advertisements for the new drink ’Classic’. Coca Cola has set you a number of content restrictions that you must follow if you are to be successful. The advert must:-

• One advert must be shot in the TV studio
• One advert must be shot any where in the school
• Be in the format of a recognisable classic film or classic genre
• Use music and/or sound effects that are copyright free
• Be approximately 20-30 seconds in duration
• Appeal to a British youth market
• Include a maximum of 3 characters
• Include product title, tag line and product image